COVID-19 Resource Center [An archival site as of 2/4/25]
Information, updates and support for the USC community
This website is an archive of university information related to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not updated as of 02/04/2025.
Latest Updates
- Covid-19 and Respiratory Season ProcessesAs we prepare to meet in classes, residence halls, practices, and social get togethers, please be reminded of these hygiene measures that can keep our campuses safer from illness, as our region experiences a summer surge of COVID-19.
- Sunset of isolation accommodationsAs of May 11, 2024, the university is concluding isolation accommodations for students who test positive for COVID-19. If you test positive and are symptom-free, you do not have an isolation requirement but should continue to mask around others for…
- Quick Sheet: Isolation & Masking
See the quicksheet reference for new guidance.

USC Heroes
Read how the Trojan family is going above and beyond to help each other and the community.
Staying Safe and Supporting Your Well-being
We encourage USC students, faculty and staff to practice good hygiene when coming to campus and interacting with each other. Test if you may have had an exposure, and test before and after attending a gathering or returning from travel (days 3-5 after potential exposure are recommended.) Wear a high-quality mask when indoors or in crowded settings to keep yourself and others safe from transmission. Vaccines are available at no cost, and are the best tools for protecting yourself and others from severe illness and hospitalization.
Know that resources supporting the mental health and well-being of students are available through Student Health’s Counseling and Mental Health Services unit (part of the Department of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences in the Keck School of Medicine of USC). Additional campus offices offer assistance for USC students. Mental health programs for faculty and staff are available through the Workwell Center, and the Care for the Caregiver program is available to the health care workforce of Keck Medicine of USC.
3 Tips to Stay Healthy
Use healthy
hygiene practices
If you feel sick, stay home. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Cover your cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. Consider wearing a high-quality mask when indoors or in crowded settings.
your health
Monitor your health. If you feel sick, stay home and apart from others in your household. Contact your medical provider. See the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) description of symptoms and the self-checker tool. If you are/have been on campus and test positive, complete the contact tracing form in MySHR.
Check with official sources for up-to-date and accurate information, including the www.cdc.gov and publichealth.lacounty.gov websites. If you are in Los Angeles, you can sign up for city-wide emergency alerts at NotifyLA.org.
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
The L.A. County Department of Public Health is partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to respond to COVID-19.
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) provides updated information about COVID-19 as it becomes available.
CA Digital Vaccine Card
The CA Dept. of Public Health is a resource for obtaining a digital vaccine card that you can keep on your mobile device.
Visit the CA vaccine record website
COVID-19 in the Community
USC has taken significant public health actions to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
We are continuing to monitor the situation and remain in contact with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health about the community spread of the virus in the county.

View the Daily Digest of COVID-19 Notifications.
COVID-19 notifications are distributed daily via email to USC students, faculty, and university staff in compliance with California State Law AB685, Labor Code section 6409.6 and CalOSHA COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations.
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* For instructions on how to log in to USC Google G-Suite apps using your USC NetID, visit the ITS instruction page.