Policies and Core Documents

Mission Statement

Seal of USC on a brick facade

Evolving out of a comprehensive strategic planning process undertaken in the early 1990s, USC’s role and mission statement outlines the university’s mission and role in Southern California and beyond.

University Policies

University of Southern California’s policies* have been established to create a safe and productive academic and work environment. All university employees and students are expected to be familiar with these policies and to follow them.

*Any violations of the university’s policies and/or codes of ethics or conduct will be thoroughly investigated upon reporting. Investigations of complaints are centralized and monitored through the Office of Professionalism and Ethics, available at report.usc.edu.

USC Integrity and Accountability Code

USC Integrity and Accountability Code

Our Integrity and Accountability Code is anchored to USC’s Unifying Values and aligns our everyday decisions with the institution’s mission and compliance obligations. The code is a vital resource for all faculty and staff throughout USC, including those at Keck Medicine of USC and the Keck School of Medicine of USC. Links to relevant policies, additional resources and helpful tools are embedded in the digital document.

University Bylaws

The bylaws of the University of Southern California outline the university’s governance structure and duties of the university’s Board of Trustees. You can find USC’s University Bylaws on their website.

Strategic Plan

Since 1994, USC’s growth has been guided by a series of strategic plans. At the time it was developed, each new plan outlined a vision of the university’s future and became a focal point for conversations involving the entire Trojan Family. Today, USC’s previous strategic plans help provide continuity with the past while inspiring future innovation.