Genevieve Giuliano

Interim Dean, USC Sol Price School of Public Policy

Genevieve Giuliano is Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Ferraro Chair in Effective Local Government in the USC Price School of Public Policy. Her research spans relationships between land use and transportation, transportation policy analysis, travel behavior, and sustainable transportation. She has published over 200 papers and received multiple distinguished scholarship awards, and she is an RSAI Fellow. Giuliano has been an innovator in her field. She was among the first to study gender differences in travel behavior and later to partner with computer science and engineering to explore land use and freight transportation relationships.

Giuliano has extensive leadership experience. For more than 20 years, she directed the METRANS Transportation Consortium and built it into one of the nation’s top transportation research organizations. She served as USC Price’s first associate dean for research and helped establish crucial infrastructure, including the USC Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics. She also lends her expertise to numerous transportation task forces and committees in the Los Angeles region, and in areas as diverse as freight movement, traffic mitigation and clean vehicle technologies.

She has served on several National Academy of Sciences policy committees, including the NAS Committee on Global Climate Change. She participated in the first study of impacts of global climate change on the U.S. transportation system. At the state level, she is working with Caltrans and the California Air Resources Board on the implementation of the California Sustainable Freight Action Plan and subsequent legislation to reduce greenhouse gases associated with California’s freight industry.

Find more on her recent publications.