Global Engagement

USC knows no boundaries. Our international networks, featured programs, centers and institutes, globally oriented curriculum and emphasis on new technologies give students the confidence and resources to think big. Breaking down geographic barriers through innovative, experiential learning is simply what we do.

A person points to a world globe.

USC Global Database

Browse our worldwide partnerships, international programs and research centers to learn about the many ways USC’s global community can enrich your student experience. We partner with leading universities, institutions and consortiums to keep you plugged in with movers and shakers across the globe.

I’ve never come in contact with a wider variety of people in my life. I now have a greater appreciation for the many different ways people go through life and a better understanding of what I’m doing with my own.

Matthew Prusak, USC Global Fellows Internship Program, Hong Kong

USC Featured Programs

    Three building side by side.

    World Bachelor of Business

    In partnership with Bocconi University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, this bold new direction in higher education enables students to study at three top business schools in major economic and cultural zones, earning a bachelor’s degree from each institution and emerging ready for success in the fast-moving global economy.

    A class the the professor in a classroom for Ipodia Alliance.

    iPodia Alliance

    This international consortium of leading higher education institutions uses iPodia, a new pedagogy of interactive, inverted and international education, to create a true “classrooms-without-borders” paradigm around the world. The USC-led iPodia Alliance counts among its charter members Peking University, National Taiwan University, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, India Institute of Technology – Bombay and RWTH Aachen University in Germany.

    A group of students during a class at USC Annenberg.

    Dual Degree in Global Communication

    The USC Annenberg School and the London School of Economics & Political Science dual master’s degree program enables students to study in two of the world’s global media capitals. Students will have access to experts in new technology, global media, international telecommunications and media studies. As professionals with a global perspective, graduates will have the opportunity to play a powerful role in redefining the way the world communicates.

    A student talking with someone in her cap and gown during commencement.

    Global Executive Doctor of Education

    The Global Executive Doctor of Education (Global EdD) program prepares senior educational leaders, policy makers, administrators, and change agents for the challenging task of improving individual and national education outcomes through strategic use of policy, innovative practice and assessment. The Global Executive EdD stresses the examination of educational solutions from around the world as participants work with their own local challenges.

    Three building side by side.
    A class the the professor in a classroom for Ipodia Alliance.
    A group of students during a class at USC Annenberg.
    A student talking with someone in her cap and gown during commencement.

    USC Research Centers and Institutes

    USC’s commitment to research knows neither boundaries nor borders, extending around the world to learn from the past while building for the future.

    • The USC Korean Studies Institute’s mission is to explain Korea to the world by fostering education and research about Korea. Focusing on both historical and contemporary issues, KSI seeks to increase the visibility of Korean studies through its student and faculty support and ambitious public programming. Learn more.

    • The USC US-China Institute informs public discussion of the evolving and multidimensional US-China relationship through policy-relevant research, graduate and undergraduate training, and professional development programs for teachers, journalists, and officials. It produces compelling public events, widely-viewed documentary films, and the popular magazines US-China Today and Asia Pacific Arts. Learn more.

    • The USC Ito Center promotes the study of Japanese religions and culture through faculty-led research and publications, public conferences and events, supporting graduate students, offering postdoctoral fellowships and hosting visiting scholars. Learn more.

    • The USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences established the East Asian Studies Center (EASC) in 1975 to provide dedicated leadership, coordination and support for the growing interdisciplinary education, research activity, and community outreach concerning East Asia. In addition to being an academic department, EASC has been recognized as one of the nation’s leading centers for the development of East Asian area studies and is among a small group of elite colleges and universities to be designated a National Resource Center for East Asian studies by the U.S. Department of Education. Learn more.

    • With partnerships spanning the globe, the USC Shoah Foundation works to overcome prejudice, intolerance and hatred — and the suffering they cause — through programs that include collecting eyewitness accounts of the Holocaust and other genocides, which are then widely shared through the latest technology. Learn more.

    • The USC Institute on Inequalities in Global Health advances a broad agenda of training, capacity building, research and policy development. By drawing on USC’s passionate and dedicated faculty, physicians and students, and partnering with global-health experts across the nation and the world, the institute engages and supports the USC community in a wide range of educational programs, collaborative projects, global health grants and volunteer experiences. And it enables students and faculty to create research and training partnerships of their own to promote healthier communities worldwide. Learn more.

    Technology Leader

    Globally, USC is a sought-after collaborator for emerging creative technologies such as world-class game design, new frontiers in neuroscience and technology-driven products born from the arts, innovation and business.

    Interactive Tech

    USC Games

    Arts, tech & the business of innovation

    USC Iovine-Young Academy